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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update 10/05/2020

Government coronavirus guidance regarding domestic cleaners

The UK government has recently issued new guidelines specifically allowing cleaners to continue to work in peoples homes.

The guidance states that cleaners, nannys or tradespeople may continue to carry out work as long as they are well and showing no signs of coronavirus symptoms and adhere to strict hygiene procedures as well as social distancing from members of the household as far as possible.

Whilst we recognise that having a cleaner in your home at this time is a personal decision for all our customers, we have made the decision that we are now able to safely offer a service to those customers who would like us to do so.

In order to do this safely we have PPE including masks and gloves which will be worn whilst working, and we will wash hands thoroughly when entering and before leaving customer's property. Wherever possible we will make arrangements to carry out work when customer's are not at home, and can be flexible with appointments to make this as easy as we can. Where this is not possible we will ensure that we stay in separate rooms to members of the household and not come into unnecessary contact. We will also accommodate any reasonable requests from customers regarding hygiene or social distancing to the maximum extent possible.

If you are a new customer requiring cleaning services or an existing customer wishing to resume your cleaning service please get in touch to discuss arrangements.

The full government guidance can be viewed here on the website

Stay safe.

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